International is an asset management organisation that buys, sells and
trades in large aircraft structural components for use in the civil
aircraft industry. Paulman International collectively maintains
repairable, serviceable and overhauled components in dedicated
warehouse facilities. Paulman International supports airline operators
their provision of aircraft parts through
exchanges, sales, leasing, consignment, and purchasing of airline
inventory for leaseback.
International is second to none
in our efforts to service our customers. We pride ourselves in the
long-term relationships we have developed with our customers; as a
of this approach we offer the following services.
- Supply of parts for Maintenance Checks.
- Component
Exchange, Leasing and Repair Management.
- Inventory
Consignment Sale.
- Excess/surplus
package inventory purchase.
- Total Care
Support for consumables and
- Expendable Inventory - range of OEM, PMA (licensed,
T&C) stocked in line with customer consumption.
- Standard Parts - NAS, AS, MS, ASNA, NSA, ABS
etc...full range available ex-stock.